2007 Caribbean Cruise Getaway Cozumel, Mexico

Arriving in Cozumel. Hola, Mejico!

Having a little chat with my new "way too cool" buddy.

One of the "quickie" Caribbean rain showers. No problems, mon.

My good friend Ken C. owns one of the largest home inspection companies in the US. Whaddya think about this, Ken?

There's the Norwegian Sun moored next to the Princess Cruise Lines "Grand Princess." They're a couple of the big ones.

Our "little" ship, the Norwegian Majesty.

The Grand Princess and the Sun parked right behind us. Think they're big? Have a look at the people on the pier.

The Grand Princess: 109,000 Tons, 951 feet long, holds 2,600 guests, and cruises at 22 knots. Wow!

When the ships are in port, the crews are constantly busy. Seems they never get tired of painting . . .

Looks like the Corona has taken over. We met this nice couple having some fun. . . and I told them I'd make 'em famous! Now they'll be seen by hundreds of people every day.

A few hands of Black Jack . . . or some slots. Great way to relax after dinner or before a show . . .