Welcome to Key West, Florida - the southernmost point in the continental United States. The climate is nearly perfect with temps ranging from 73 to 82 degrees F. . . . Nice!

The Majesty docked at the Naval Base, and then we were transported by trolley into town (only about a mile).

Bubba's Trolley. Thanks, Bubba, now you're even more famous!

Chickens and Roosters run free in Key West. They're everywhere you look. Here's a pet rooster.

A view from Mallory Square, the historic center of Key West famous for street performances and beautiful sunsets.

My buddy Rufus from Temple Hills, MD says "Red Fish Blue Fish" is THE restaurant to visit when you're here.

If you enjoy outdoor bars and restaurants, Key West is the place to be!


This guy posing as a statue literally scared the @#%& out of me. Ever see granite move? Almost scared me back to Maryland!

Sloppy Joe's: Since 1933 people from all over the world have been visiting what used to be Ernest Heminway's favorite bar!






There are a number of interesting trees on Key West, including this Banyan, which grows roots from its branches downward for support.




La Concha Hotel on Duval Street is the BEST place for sunsets. Shhhhhh! That's a big SECRET, so don't tell anyone.









A view of the NCL Majesty from the rooftop of La Concha.

Key West is unique and quite interesting.
 Rosella with the famous doggie "Monster", dressed as a reindeer.


Mangoes Restaurant on Duval Street.




A view in the rain from the porch of the Hard Rock Cafe on Duval.


Ahhhh, the Flying Monkeys Saloon . . . my favorite place in Key West!
 (Rosella's too)

Cool Harley with a Chevrolet V-8 engine. Pretty trick.

I think she liked me. People in Key West are SO friendly.